About Us:

Power Down podcast is an all around every subject kind of podcast, sometimes random, mostly interesting, and laid back. Its enough to POWER DOWN from a long day. We started Power Down Podcast as a way to preserve in stone some of our most favorite stories, share them with friends and create more as we power through the hard times. This podcast seeks to enjoy all the little things in life and maybe brighten up a day or two. Tune in every week for a new episode of storytelling, shenanigans and a good time.




Hey there, its me, Travis aka The Sun. I am very happy that you have come to visit, try and make yourself comfortable, you might be here for a while. I'm just a truly laid back individual, singer, musician, and a class clown. I hope that I can make your time here worth it and we hope to see you back soon.



Howdy, I'm Jason. I am a Jedi master and run a Saber Club at my university. i am the artist for the podcast and i enjoy art, cosplay and programming. I'm vegetarian and i hate the word juxtaposition. hopefully i can share a few smiles with our content.

Guest Cast:



I'm glad to be here! My name is Matthew and I am just another voice. I share alot of my stories. I am an avid foreign language learner and i love music!



Hi, I'm Hunter. metal, prog-metal, death metal, you name it. I love music, movies and having fun. You will mostly catch me playing Tony Hawk or Guitar Hero



Hello there, I'm Preston. How is everyone doing! I like music, video games and anime. hope you enjoy what i bring to the table

